1. You are 21, I am 16 | 1:46 | 2. Daddy's Home | 2:43 | 3. Sing | 3:05 | 4. Colours | 3:24 | 5. Everyone's Gone to the Moon | 3:08 | 6. Me and you and the Dog named Boo | 3:52 | 7. Whatever will be, will be | 2:13 | 8. The Twelfth of Never | 3:18 | 9. Sayonara Good Bye | 3:09 | 10. To Love Somebody | 3:45 | 11. Too Many Mornings | 2:37 | 12. Never Ending Song of Love | 2:48 | 13. Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree | 3:58 | 14. Less of Me | 1:59 | 15. Home Ain't Home Anymore | 2:51 | 16. For Baby | 2:43 |
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